AnsichtsSachen - Viewing Matters
Lecturers: Akad. Dir. Cornelie Leopold, Dipl.-Ing. Romy Link
Images and objects in their dependence on perception and the viewer's point of view were the subject of this seminar. It was also about the extent to which perception can be included in a design or the designed space or object is transformed by the viewer's point of view.

In his book “La Perspective Curieuse” 1638, Jean François Niceron differentiated between optical, catoptric and dioptric anamorphoses, depending on whether they can be perceived directly, with the help of a mirror or a lens. Impressive anamorphoses and spatial illusions emerged.

Possibilities arise in the expansion of space through images or the creation of objects that enable different perceptions depending on the point of view, or effective spatial representations or in the merging of image and real object or the creation of images through elements in space. The anamorphoses are not just artistic gimmicks, but they are created by optical-geometric rules and thus provide thought-provoking impulses for reflection on perception and design.

In the course we dealt with the basics of perception and gestalt theory. The analysis and modeling of historical and current examples formed the starting point for experiments and a project on anamorphoses with possible applications in architecture.
>> Guest lecture by Alessio Bortot, IUAV Venezia on „Jean François Nicéron and his works on anamorphoses“, 17.11.2020, 10:00 a.m., online in Zoom in English.
>> Guest lecture by Nikos Kourniatis, Architect NTUA, Assistant Professor UniWA, Greece on catoptric anamorphoses "Wandering in mirrors", 15.12.2020, 10:00 a.m. online in Zoom in English.